Termination Tactics: Maximizing the Value of Contractual Endings. Тактика максимального захисту сторін при завершенні договірних відносин
Про курс

1. Introduction (15 minutes)

- Welcome and Introduction to the Topic

- Overview of the Agenda

2. Understanding Termination Clauses (30 minutes)

- Definition and Importance of Termination Clauses

- Types of Termination Clauses

- Common Provisions Included in Termination Clauses

3. Factors Influencing Termination Decisions (20 minutes)

- Identifying Key Factors in Termination Decisions

- Legal and Practical Considerations

- Case Studies and Real-life Examples

4. Drafting Effective Termination Clauses (30 minutes)

- Best Practices for Drafting Termination Clauses

- Strategies for Clear and Comprehensive Language

- Addressing Common Pitfalls and Misunderstandings

5. Negotiating Termination Provisions (20 minutes)

- Tips for Negotiating Favorable Termination Terms

- Balancing Interests of Parties

- Case Studies of Successful Negotiations

6. Case Law Analysis (20 minutes)

- Review of Relevant Case Law on Termination Clauses

- Lessons Learned from Legal Precedents

- Implications for Future Contractual Agreements

7. Q&A Session (15 minutes)

- Open Floor for Questions and Discussions

- Addressing Participant Queries and Concerns

8. Conclusion and Wrap-up (10 minutes)

- Summary of Key Takeaways

- Closing Remarks

- Next Steps and Additional Resources

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Місце проведення заходу: Онлайн